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Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction

All references to ‘our’, ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘company’ within this policy and within the opt-in notice are deemed to refer to Titanic Distillers Limited.

Your personal privacy is important to us, so we will always endeavor to protect it. This Privacy Policy will help you to understand what we may do with any of your personal information that we obtain from you. By giving your personal information to us, you signify your acceptance of our Privacy Policy and agree that we may collect, use and disclose your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not provide your personal details to us. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and part of, the Terms and Conditions, which govern your use of this website in general. We will only use your information for the purposes set out below.

We may need to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We recommend that you regularly check this page to ensure that you have read the most recent version.

  1. Legal purchase age

You must not provide us with any of your personal information if you are not of legal age to purchase alcohol in the jurisdiction in which you reside and (if different) in the jurisdiction in which you are accessing the site. We do not intend to collect personal information from any person under the legal purchase age or market any alcoholic beverages to anyone under the legal purchasing age. If we believe that someone under the legal purchase age has provided us with personal information we will make every reasonable effort to remove that personal information from our files or highlight such personal information and retain it for the sole purpose of ensuring that it is not used any further.

  1. What is personal information?

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual, as defined by applicable law. It does not include aggregated information that does not allow you to be identified, nor does it include business contact information such as your name, title, business address and business phone number.

  1. Collecting personal information

You can decide what personal information you provide to us. We will only collect personal information that you choose to provide. Where possible, we will enable you to select how we will use this information (for example, by choosing to opt-in or opt-out of receiving emails or digital advertising from us).

You may choose to provide us with personal information if, for example, you: contact us with an enquiry; register on the site; fill out a survey or other form with your personal information included; request us to provide you with information; enter a competition; post information to public areas of the site or take advantage of a promotion.

You have the opportunity to decide whether or not to receive communications from us, except communications required by law or to administer any transaction requested by you, at any point where we request information about you.

By providing any personal information to us, you fully understand and clearly consent to the transfer of such personal information to, and the collection and processing of such information in, other countries or territories. Any such transfer and processing by us will be in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Use of cookies on our websites

We use “cookies” to help us gather and store information about visitors to our websites. A cookie is a small data file that our server sends to your browser when you visit the site. You can delete cookies at any time or you can set your browser to reject or disable cookies. You can obtain information about how to manage cookies at

We may use information from cookies for the following purposes:

  1. Traffic monitoring, e.g., the IP address from which you access the site, the type of browser and operating system used to access the site, the date and time of your access to the site, the pages you visit, and the Internet address of the website from which you accessed the site.
  2. To recognize repeat visitors for statistical / analytical purposes.
  3. Anonymous tracking of interaction with online advertising, e.g., to monitor the number of times that a banner ad is displayed and the number of times it is clicked.

We may connect the information that we collect through cookies with other personally identifiable information that you provide to us. Such purposes are:

  1. To customize or personalise your experience of our website; for example, so that we can greet you on the website by name.
  2. For transactional purposes, such as credit card sales.
  3. To monitor your use of our website in order to make our communications to you as relevant as possible; for example, by sending you email communications relevant to the parts of the site that you visit most often or by letting you know about features of the site that you have not accessed previously.

We may compile and report to third parties (such as advertisers) aggregate statistics about our users in terms of numbers, traffic patterns and related site information.

  1. Use of personal information

We may use and/or disclose personal information collected from you in one or more the following ways:

Marketing Communications. We may use your personal information in order to communicate with you about our products and services. However, you will be able to choose whether or not to receive such communications when you first provide personal information to us. You will also have an opportunity to unsubscribe whenever we communicate with you. You may also unsubscribe from such communications at any time (see “Unsubscribe, access, questions and further information” below).

Marketing analysis. We may use information for internal marketing analysis, for example, to assess trends amongst our consumers or to measure the amount of traffic to our website. We may also share non-personal information with others, such as advertisers, in aggregate anonymous form, which means that the information will not contain any personally identifiable information about you. We will only share identifiable personal information with third parties for marketing analysis with your consent.

Transactional purposes. We may use your personal information in order to respond to your queries and requests and to manage transactions such as credit card payments for any goods that you order from us or any of our agents, or for the fulfillment of such transactions (e.g., delivery). The personal information you provide may be used by an authorised vendor to fulfill that order.

Sale or Transfer. In the event of a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, financing, reorganization or liquidation, we may transfer, sell, or assign to third parties information concerning your relationship with us, including without limitation, personally identifiable information that you provide and other information concerning your relationship with us.

Legal purposes. We may collect, use and/or disclose your personal information if permitted by law or required to do so by law or where we believe such action is necessary in order to detect, protect or defend us and/or other third parties against error, negligence, breach of contract, theft, fraud and other illegal or harmful activity, to comply with our audit and security requirements, and to audit compliance with or corporate policies, procedures, legal and contractual obligations.

  1. Disclosure of personal information

In addition to disclosures identified in the purposes above, from time to time we may disclose personal information to:

(a) our service providers and subcontractors, including our affiliates, retained to perform functions on our behalf or to provide services to us, such as warehousing and delivery; marketing and advertising; data processing; software development; website hosting and management; information technology and office services; legal, accounting, audit and other professional service providers; and further provided such service provider does not collect, use or disclose the personal information for any purpose other than to perform such functions or to provide services to us or as otherwise required by law;
(b) a person or entity, including our affiliates, to whom disclosure is required in order to fulfill one or more of the purposes described above under “Purposes for Collecting Information”;
(c) a person who, in our reasonable judgment, is providing or seeking the information as the authorised or appointed legal agent of the subject individual; or
(d) any third party with your consent or where disclosure is required or permitted by law.

Your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of use of the site, which include this Privacy Policy, constitute the granting of consent to the use and disclosure of your personal information for the purposes set out above.

  1. Security

We take security seriously and we take precautions to keep your personal information secure. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect. We have no control over the privacy of any e-mail communications while in transit to us. We recommend that you not include confidential, proprietary or sensitive information in e-mails.

In the unlikely event that we believe that the security of your personal information in our possession or control may have been compromised, we may seek to notify you of that development. If a notification is appropriate, we would endeavor to do so as promptly as possible under the circumstances, and, to the extent we have your e-mail address, we may notify you by e-mail.

  1. Unsubscribe, access, questions and further information

At your request, where the law requires us to do so, we will confirm what personal information we hold about you, update your information, remove your information and/or correct any inaccuracies in such personal information.

  1. Links

The site may contain links or references to other websites outside of our control. Please be aware that we have no control over these websites and our Privacy Policy does not apply to these sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of linked or referenced websites you enter.